Sunday, May 16, 2010

Apple fishing for sales?

Ok ok enough is enough...what is going at Apple headquarters? Another one of its product is leaked and this time it's the new macbook. Really Apple? hmmm...something fishy is going on... about a month ago the latest 4g iPhone was leaked and Jason Chen who works for gizmodo home was raided for no apparent reason because he revealed the prototype online. Supposedly, it was reported stolen some people say Apple's secrecy is in jeopardy but i think this is being done on purpose a PR move if you ask me to generate excitement for its newest product because the iPad was such a let down which had not reached it projected sales the first week. so my question is...Apple are you fishing for sales now? what do yo think?


  1. Hmmm. After the first incident I am sure that Apple did everything within it's power to tighten security on its products. This would appear to be their correct line of thought if, let's just say, there wasn't anything fishy taking place. So, to undergo yet another leak, leads me to believe it could possibly be a PR stunt of some sort.

  2. Yea Don... in my social media class we talked about this being a PR stunt! I really believe it is!

    thanks for your comment
